In a working environment you will need a minimum of 25%
free space to allow your clients to work from the disk, and to
keep the file system healthy. As I am sure you are aware, a 1TB
drive contains exactly 1,000,000,000,000 bytes. This is what the
"terra" means, 10^12.
However, a computer doesn’t see the world in powers of
ten, but in powers of two. 2^10 bytes for many years was called
a kilobyte, even if it doesn’t match the 1000 that “kilo” means
in other aspects of measuring. Therefore, 1024 has now gotten a
new name, kibi, to avoid the confusion - so kibibyte means 1024
bytes. Likewise, 2^20 (1024kib) has been named the mibibyte, and
is slightly more than a megabyte (because megabyte literally
translates to “million bytes”). This leads us to the gibibytes-
1,024mibibytes, or 1,073,741,824 bytes, this is what the
computer uses internally when addressing the drive. However, to
add to the confusion again, every OS displays this as GB (not GiB).
In practice, 1TB (1,000,000,000,000 bytes) is
approximately 931GiB (999,653,638,144 bytes). Your computer will
then show it as 931GB. Because 1TB sounds larger than 931GB and
it actually has a trillion bytes, it is sold as 1TB.
All of the above said, we suggest leaving roughly 230-250GB
free on a 1TB NAS.