Email Notifications - Do not make sense: Setting up Variables

Email Notifications - Do not make sense: Setting up Variables

If you are receiving cryptic alert emails from Uplevel your Notification Alerts need to be configured.

Click on your Profile on the top right of the Portal > Settings > Notifications tab.

Both subject and body strings accept parameters in curly braces, such as {site}, {severity}, etc. that are then filled in by the system when the alert is generated. This allows the e-mail to be populated with a lot more information, or adapted to be consumable by common TTS software.

A sample notification setup might be something like this:

For the Email Subject Line & Email Body you can use the following variables (you can copy/paste the variables in the Portal)
{severity} - INFO, WARN, ALERT
{customer} - Which Customer is affected
{site} - Which of the Customer's sites is affected
{description} - A description of the issue

Recommended entries:
Subject Line: 
{severity} - {customer} - {site}
{severity} - {customer} - {site}

The above configuration would automatically include details such as the customer name, site name, etc. The parameters accepted are shown in the instructions on the dialog box just above the "Email Subject Line" field.

Note: you can copy and paste the variables from the Portal into your Subject and Body.

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