Using LTE / Mobile Network Modem As Primary or Backup / Failover Connections
Choosing Hardware:
Since the Uplevel Unbox provides Wi-Fi and firewall capabilities, we recommend using a single-purpose modem, which simplifies configuration and reduces the solution cost. In this document, for our examples we use the Netgear 4G LTE modem, which we prefer for its affordability and ease of use.
Choosing a carrier plan:
A postpaid plan is the best for ongoing service, as it provides continuity of service. You might
find it convenient to use a prepaid plan during installation and testing. Both AT&T and Verizon
offer prepaid plans with as little as 1G of data and a 30-day time limit.
Configuring the modem
The steps for configuring a modem include:
- Initiate service
- Configure the modem
- Connect the modem to the Uplevel Unbox
Initiate LTE service
Before you contact the carrier, locate the IMEI number for the modem. On the Netgear modem, you will find the number on the bottom of the chassis. Using this number, the carrier will configure a SIM card for your service for this device. Insert the card into the slot near the label on the bottom of the modem.

Configure the modem
In a primary/failover configuration, the Uplevel Unbox is the gateway between three LANs
connected to the following ports:
- Internet (port 1)
- Ports 2-8

Each of these LANs must be configured as different subnets. To enable the modem to
communicate with the Uplevel Unbox, the LAN IP subnet of the modem must be configured to
not collide with the LAN IP subnet of the Uplevel Unbox. By default the primary and auxiliary
port will be in a DHCP mode and request a WAN IP address from the modem. You can
configure either port to a static IP address as needed. The primary and secondary modems will
continue to maintain separate IP addresses.
The steps for configuring the Netgear 4G LTE modem are:
- On the label on the bottom of the modem, note the default IP address and password.
- Plug the modem into to a power source.
- Connect the modem to a computer with an Ethernet cable.
- Press the button on the back panel of the modem to turn it on. The power-up cycle take about 60 seconds.
- On the computer, bring up a browser and type in the default IP address.
- On the login window, enter the password and press the Enter key
- On the left navigation menu, click Settings.
- On the Settings window, click the Advanced tab.
- Enter the IP address, network mask, and DHCP server IP addresses corresponding to the appropriate network, primary or failover.

If you change the IP address of the modem, when you save the settings you will lose the
connection to the modem. To reconnect, enter the new IP address in the browser window. Also,
make a note of the new IP address, as the default address on the label will no longer work. If
you change the subnet, your computer will lose connectivity. To re-connect, release and renew
the IP address on your computer. Once you are connected, you can navigate to websites to
verify Internet connectivity.
With the Netgear 4G LTE modem, you can alternatively use the Bridge option to turn it into a Layer 2 bridge and avoid routing issues completely.
Connect Modem to Uplevel Gateway
The last step is to connect the modem to the desired Uplevel Unbox port, Internet (port 1) for aprimary connection or AUX for a failover connection.
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