Hardware Replacement - RMA / Upgrades

Hardware Replacement - RMA / Upgrades


Because the configuration for all Uplevel hardware, including any backed up data, is stored in the cloud, any replacement hardware, including upgrades, would be treated as a typical box swap (e.g., just like if the original box failed and we had to replace it).We undertake the necessary work on our backend to prepare for the swap; then, when you're ready, simply let us know, and we swap the configurations between the old and new Gateways.Your client is back up and running, in a few minutes, when the new box receives its configuration from the cloud.

Depending on the complexity of the installation, the full operation normally takes between 15 and 30 minutes on-site. The actual box change takes a few minutes, and the rest of the time is spent going around making sure that all of the computers, printers, and servers are operational again.
We've developed a simple, scripted, procedure that minimizes client downtime.
For a scheduled swap we would suggest doing this after hours or during lunch. However, whatever time is convenient for you would be fine.


The procedure is as follows:
  1. Call the Support Line ( 971-317-3001 )
  2. Swap the WAN cable into the new Gateway.
  3. Restart the ISP Hardware.
  4. We'll execute a quick "swap" script to set your Subnets and configure your Shares (if necessary) once we see the new Gateway online.
  5. Move the  LAN cables over to the new Gateway.

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